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HLM2101 is first-in-class drug candidate to overcome drug resistance.

Holosmedic has discovered HLM2101, first-in-class drug candidate that inhibits the drug pump function and cancer stem cell marker ABC Transporter (MDR) protein and Calcium modulator protein among the drug resistance mechanisms caused by “ER stress.” HLM2101 induces cancer cell death by increasing the cytoplasmic Ca 2+ through the inhibition of their activity, thereby promoting the sensitivity of cancer cells and surrounding cells to anticancer drugs and increasing the effectiveness of anticancer drugs.

  • Anticancer drug-sensitive cells
    항암제 민감 세포
  • Anticancer drug-resistant cells
    항암제 내성 세포
  • Anticancer drug & HLM2101 combined treatment-resistant cells
    항암제 & HL2101 병용 투여 내성 세포